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The Secret of Suffering

March 1, 2009

Now who will harm you if you are eager to do what is good? Most of the time, no one is going to harm us for doing what is good.  No one is going to harm you for going out of your way to be kind or sharing what you have with others in need or refusing to do evil; most of the time.  But there are some rare exceptions.  Consider:

·         Vernie Gee, Sr. was an agricultural inspector who sounded the alarm about tainted meat in the U.S. food supply and inspectors taking bribes from slaughterhouses. Gee was beaten up by a plant worker during an inspection -- and then reprimanded by superiors for fighting. [1]

·         In Jacksonville, Fla., Michael Herkov was charged with violating a city ordinance when he fed homeless people at his church without a permit.  In Las Vegas, Nevada, Beth Monk was fined $1,000 for violating a law that made it a crime to feed homeless people in a public park.

·         Jim Moffett, a bus driver in Denver, and another man decided to help two elderly women passengers cross the street during a snowstorm.  When...


Tags: lent, redemption, suffering, trials

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