Christ Presbyterian Church - Youth
Junior High Youth Group
"The purpose of youth ministry is to provide communities of belonging, through which youth can explore and affirm who they are as gifted people of God and actively live out their Christian faith within the body of Christ and all of God's creation."
--Marcey Balcomb, Single Digit Youth Groups: Working with Fewer than 10 Teens, 14.
Our church affirms that our youth are a valued part of our faith community, with gifts to share that are particular to their age. Accordingly, we seek to include our youth in every facet of our ministry, in a way that is appropriate to their ages and abilities.
Beginning October 15, our Junior High Youth Group (grades 6-8) will meet most Sunday evenings from 5:30-7:00 p.m. On those weeks when we have done a service project together on another day, we will not meet on the Sunday immediately following. We have a number of exciting activities planned, including several overnight trips to Johnsonburg Camp and Conference Center.
In the future, we hope to add a Senior High Youth Group as well.